Mass Times


Religious Education

Help sustain St. Joseph Parish with the security and convenience of Online Giving.

With Online Giving, you can give back to our church whenever and wherever with the simple click of a button from your computer or smart device.

For more information call the rectory.  As always, thank you for your financial and prayerful support of St. Joseph Parish.

Join us for our delicious Good Friday Fish Fry.  Bakery will also be available.

Thank you as always for your support!

St. Joseph Parish Groups

Altar & Rosary Society
Meetings & Mass

10:30 AM

 Meets Quarterly

beginning in March

Holy Name Society

8:30 Mass & Meeting

 held quarterly, March,

June, Sept, Dec.

Neo-Catechumenal Way

Call the rectory

for information

Prayer Shawl

Meets the first and third

Fridays of each month

9:30 AM in Ferd. Hall

Respect Life Committee

Pro-Life Rosary, following

10:30 AM Mass the

second Sunday of each month

St. Joseph Seniors

Meet monthly on the

third Wednesday

Refer to the weekly bulletin

for additional information


We are in need of Extra-Ordinary Ministers and Lectors for weekend Masses.

Please prayerfully consider volunteering for these important Ministries.

The time commitment is not great, and the rewards are many.

Call the rectory for additional information and to volunteer. 

Training is provided.


Online Giving provides a convenient way for parishioners to make financial contributions, and it relieves church staff from managing secure bank account information. Administration is simple. Online Giving automatically integrates with OSV Church Manager and can export data for updating records in virtually any parishioner data management system so contributions are recorded and attached to parishioner records.We work with you to come up with the very best solutions for your challenges!

Help sustain St. Joseph Parish with the security and convenience of Online Giving.

Benefits include:  24/7 access to your account and the ability to donate

Easily schedule recurring and future donations to coincide with your pay period

Credit card option allows you to take advantage of rewards such as air miles or cash bonuses

No need to disclose bank information because you enter it directly into the Online Giving secure site

Continue to support St. Joseph Church even when you cannot attend service with one-time or recurring donations

With full control of your account you can easily adjust your contribution amounts

Loving Christ, Loving Others

As living members of the Body of Christ, the people of 

St. Joseph Parish embrace the Traditions of the Church 

as given to us by Christ.


Empowered by the Holy Spirit we teach, live, and love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, and celebrate the Word of God as a faith-filled community that welcomes all who seek the truth. We celebrate the presence of God in our midst through worship, service, and catechesis. In accordance with the teachings of the Church, we work to assist all parish members in discerning the truths of our faith and the moral obligation to which we are called to live the Gospel. 

About Us


Cyber crime has hit St. Joseph and is hitting dioceses nationwide. If/when you receive an email from Fr. John requesting you to purchase a gift card or to urgently contact him via email,  please delete it! It is a scam! This email scam is also using other priests’ names in the diocese asking for money or gift cards. Parishioners  should contact  the parish office to verify the legitimacy of any suspicious request they may receive.

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30 AM

​Daily Mass:
Weekdays: 8:30 AM
Saturdays: 3 - 3:30 PM

Eucharist Adoration:
The Adoration Chapel is open after weekday Masses until noon.
  • Prayer for Those Considering an Abortion

    Heavenly Father, You who breathe life into creation by the power of the Holy Spirit, and make each and every person in Your image and likeness, send forth the Holy Spirit anew upon those who are contemplating an abortion. Dispel their fears, comfort them in sorrow, and grant them courage to choose to bring forth this new life into the world, which is a precious gift from You.

    Provide for them love and support from those around them to help ease the burden they carry at this time. Help them to see the light of Your face and Your joy. Delight in them and their child, and grant them a spirit of wisdom and understanding to direct their path.  Amen.

    Mother Mary,          

    You experienced misunderstanding for your unexpected pregnancy. Pray for your children who are contemplating an abortion. Intercede for them before the throne of God that they might have the grace to give life to their children, and teach them how to give of themselves in self-sacrificial love as you did.

    We ask this through Christ our Lord.


  • Prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

    Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.


All Life


From the Womb

To the Tomb

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More Resources

  • Bishop Hicks shares about the Eucharistic Revival

  • Prayer Garden Brick Order Form

  • The Diocese and St. Joseph Church now accept Crypto currency.

  • RaiseRight Gift Cards

    RaiseRight Gift Cards are available to purchase for all of your in-person or online shopping needs.  Use them for groceries, gift-giving occasions, back-to-school shopping, gas, and much more!  Call the rectory to place your order or order directly through  St. Joseph Parish earns a rebate on all Gift Cards purchased.  

    Save Time  *  Save Gas  *  Shop RaiseRight 

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